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I am going to write here, only about the practical things. You will mainly read here about, how to protect successfully the name of your company and logo as a trademark in the Patent Office.
On an everyday basis I work for the entrepreneurs. I noticed that their knowledge concerning industrial property is very small. Many of them devote a lot of time and money for the promotion and advertisement of their company. The results of their intensive work usually occur after many months.
Entrepreneurs to often forget about one major issue- the protection of the company’s trademark. This action exposes the company to many dangers. The most common cases includes stories, when entrepreneur, acting in a good faith, unconsciously infringes the third party’s registered trademark. Unfortunately entrepreneur usually becomes aware of the fact that he broke the law, after he receives the letter from the law firm.
It is said that:
Ignorance of the law does not excuse
Ignorance of the law excuses no one
By reading this blog you will learn:
how to successfully protect the name of the company, trademark or logo;
how to avoid mistakes which can endanger the brand being built by you;
what results when you act on the market without the protection of the trademark;
about imposters, who are bilking the money out from the entrepreneurs using their lack of knowledge;
about interesting cases of disputes related to trademarks;
how to react in a situation when someone impersonates to your brand name;
As you know the texts of laws or judicial decisions are usually written in a difficult legal language. I’ll try to write here in a simple and accessible way for everyone. In the end, this blog is for you! I hope you will find the answers for questions which bothers you. If not, I advice you to contact with me.
Feel free to read.
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