Mikołaj Lech

patent attorney

A lawyer, who specializes in industrial property law, combating unfair competition and copyright. Thanks to work in Patent Agency he has a contact with the current problems of entrepreneurs.
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January 2015

„Je suis Charlie” is a slogan which demonstrates solidarity with the murdered graphic authors from weekly magazine „Charlie Hebdo”. It turned out that many people felt that it is a good way to make money. Some people tried to reserve the term „Je suis Charlie” as a trademark. But, does such registration has any chance […]

4 Jan

My beloved mountains

Today’s posting is completely occasional. And that’s because I returned yesterday from Szczawnica in Poland. It was my long-awaited vacation after an extremely busy year. Mountains are the only place where I can really rest. There are many things that attract me. Fresh air, beautiful views and grilled “oscypek” (a smoked cheese made of salted […]